Posts Tagged theory

Multidimensional Ramblings on String Theory

So as I was falling asleep last night and driving to work this morning I just had so many thoughts in my mind that I thought I would simply “jot” them down here…  That being said, nothing here is intended to really make any “typical” sense, but then that is the point isn’t it? Oh and the photo… is g-string theory… LOL ya I know it’s lame, but who doesn’t like the pic?? common’.. really?

As I was thinking about multidimensional space and how the 5th dimension is curled up so small that we cannot perceive it, it made me wonder if in fact we are looking at everything upside down.  To elaborate, although we exist in the 3rd dimension, as we understand dimensions, the 3rd dimension could be the highest dimension in PHYSICAL existence.  So if in fact we are going to count them and try to visualize them, 3 would be the MOST physical and 26 the least (or 10) so we are on top.  Not sure if order is even relevant in terms of visualization but I am trying to get my mind around a concept which cannot be conceived in a visual sense from a 3 dimensional perspective.   I have found Bosonic String Theory to be a complex mathematical postulate, with a difficulty in rendering a physical model, although this site has made an attempt to do just that.  Here is an overview:

The 26 dimensions of Closed Unoriented Bosonic String Theory are interpreted as the 26 dimensions of the traceless Jordan algebra J3(O)o of 3×3 Octonionic matrices, with each of the 3 Octonionic dimenisons of J3(O)o having the following physical interpretation:
4-dimensional physical spacetime plus 4-dimensional internal symmetry space;
8 first-generation fermion particles;
8 first-generation fermion anti-particles.
This interpretation is consistent with interpreting the strings as World Lines of the Worlds of Many-Worlds Quantum Theory and the 26 dimensions as the degrees of freedom of the Worlds of the Many-Worlds.

Ya that’s a tough one right? We somehow need to get this into a frame of reference for our collective peoples.  Is that even possible?  Do you even care?

Although we cannot really comprehend any of this, to illustrate something, I will start with a singularity.  In a black-hole there is postulated to be a singularity @ its center, of ultimate power. This is the power source behind the nearly immeasurable power of the black-hole.  The comparison I draw is this… although the singularity is immeasurable, and frankly my not even exist in our 3 dimensional space, it’s influence is massive to say the least.  From this indescribably small point the incomprehensible power of the black-hole is realized in the 3rd dimension.  Therefore, possibly this model represents the underlying power of influence other, sub-physical, dimensions have upon everything we experience in physical reality.  Would it be unreasonable to think that if were were to traverse a black-hole we would in fact be traversing all 26 dimensions?  Something we could not possibly survive based on the immense amount of energy required to bend space-time in that way?

So this begs the question, can we experience God?  Possibly we can only experience the influence of God, just as we (all lots of other stuff 🙂 ) experience the influence of a black-hole.  It is in fact an indirect experience relative to position… LOL I had to throw that in there 🙂

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in Addition…

In addition to the singular use of binaural exposure… Some as yet unknown combination of stimuli may in fact represent the true key to unlocking the final step to achieve a pure sense of harmony.  By this I mean that if in fact we are able to “tune” ourselves to the state of the Universe instead of constantly being at odds within the great “chord” of life, finally resolving the dissonant chord and coming into perfect harmony with everything.  What a path toward achievement that would be indeed.  I find it odd that a major focus has not been placed upon this thought methodology.  I have read and seen evidence to support that our aura, a vibration that we all exude, can be manipulated to in fact cure illness… Even if this is totally ludicrous, why haven’t we formally disproved it?  Why are we content to simply accept that it is non-viable?  This I do not understand.  I will continue to work on this topic and expose myself to these experiments and post the results as they are achieved.  I can already say that binaural auditory exposure absolutely has an impact on your state of mind.  To expound on this,  at the very least i have been able to consistently achieve what is refereed to as the “theta” state of brainwave activity, most closely associated with the REM dream state.   From only a 30 minute exposure I have NEVER been able to remain conscious throughout the entire duration of exposure.  Obviously this is not the desired result, in fact maintaining consciousness while simultaneously maintaining the theta brainwave state is the desired conclusion, however my experiences still support a conclusion of success.  other people I have made the recommendation of binaural exposure have had similar results.  I postulate that complete sensory exposure would yield profound results.  The correct combination may be an abstract to say the least, however like all things scientific, experiment is the key to realized success.  I guess I will have to be the proverbial “guinea pig” here.

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Searching for Vibrations?

I always seem to be searching for something more.  It can really be exhausting, frustrating, maddening, etc…  Lately i have come “on to” the concept of vibration.  “The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism” says Edgar Cayce, is he correct? Aside from visual, in which is much more difficult to actually perceive vibration (well you can see it pretty clearly plucking a guitar string), sound is the main interpreter of vibration.  Could this be why we are so moved by music… audible vibration?  Our bodies are nothing more than fields of energy @ their core right down to each atom.  Our atoms are held together by some force unknown, invisible, and the atoms themselves are empty?  What the hell does that mean? No matter how closely science looks, we can hardly find a substance that isn’t just another form of energy contained withing seemingly empty space. This energy can not be created or destroyed, and all things happen as the result of it. All the events in our lives are based on the absorption and reflection this binding energy.  I guess this ties in nicely with the binaural beats I have been creating and using for some time.  Although I have not mastered the ranges by any means, they have proven to be quite effective in placing me into the desired state on demand. A possibly interesting correlation might be to use tones which can be derived from the earth, the sun, the moon, and every other planet and moon within our solar system by looking at the octaves of the orbit frequency.  I mean, wouldn’t we certainly be affected by all of these celestial bodies?  A little more about that… “In the late 1500’s, a mathematician and astronomer, named Johannes Kepler, discovered that the distance between the planets’ orbits mathematically create the intervals of a consonant musical scale, a theory which came to be known as “the music of the spheres”. Not only did his work inspire centuries of continued research in cosmic harmony, but his spirit has lived on in numerous symphonic works, based on his musical ideas…” Hummm.. would seem we have the “proof in the pudding’ so to speak.  Let’s expand this a bit shall we…? Since the rotation of the earth is, on average, 1 pulsation per 24 hours, we can transpose it upwards by 24 octaves to arrive at 194.18Hz (this literally defines “Earth-Tone”…get it???), which is pretty close to a “G” note. This frequency also happens to be in unison with a particular shade of orange, orange-red, which is known to increase cell growth.  The color orange-red is the 65th octave of an earth day and maximum resonance of the DNA chains (carriers of genetic information) lies exactly in the middle of the 66th octave of the day. This maximum is the first overtone of the color orange-red. Since the tone that vibrates most strongly with the fundamental tone is the first overtone, this color also entails the vibration of the DNA chains, thus multiplying their vibration rate. This explains why this color has such a vitalizing effect.  In Western music, orchestras tune their instruments to “A”, which is otherwise known as “concert pitch”. In India, instruments are tuned to C sharp, which happens to be the 32nd octave of the earth year.  Hydrogen being 90% of all matter, including ourselves (ALL matter), possibly 84.5Hz has some significance?  I will experiment with this a bit and if possible provide the audio file…

Vibration is a deep rooted part of our existence although many natural frequencies lie outside of our perception, we fail to recognize what effect they have on our thoughts and emotions, how they synchronize physical processes, hold our bodies and our universe together. Learning how to identify and utilize these frequencies and waveforms is kind of what I am currently engaged in…

Links to some interesting tools to facilitate what i am talking about in this post:

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