Archive for category Quantum Physics

Multidimensional Ramblings on String Theory

So as I was falling asleep last night and driving to work this morning I just had so many thoughts in my mind that I thought I would simply “jot” them down here…  That being said, nothing here is intended to really make any “typical” sense, but then that is the point isn’t it? Oh and the photo… is g-string theory… LOL ya I know it’s lame, but who doesn’t like the pic?? common’.. really?

As I was thinking about multidimensional space and how the 5th dimension is curled up so small that we cannot perceive it, it made me wonder if in fact we are looking at everything upside down.  To elaborate, although we exist in the 3rd dimension, as we understand dimensions, the 3rd dimension could be the highest dimension in PHYSICAL existence.  So if in fact we are going to count them and try to visualize them, 3 would be the MOST physical and 26 the least (or 10) so we are on top.  Not sure if order is even relevant in terms of visualization but I am trying to get my mind around a concept which cannot be conceived in a visual sense from a 3 dimensional perspective.   I have found Bosonic String Theory to be a complex mathematical postulate, with a difficulty in rendering a physical model, although this site has made an attempt to do just that.  Here is an overview:

The 26 dimensions of Closed Unoriented Bosonic String Theory are interpreted as the 26 dimensions of the traceless Jordan algebra J3(O)o of 3×3 Octonionic matrices, with each of the 3 Octonionic dimenisons of J3(O)o having the following physical interpretation:
4-dimensional physical spacetime plus 4-dimensional internal symmetry space;
8 first-generation fermion particles;
8 first-generation fermion anti-particles.
This interpretation is consistent with interpreting the strings as World Lines of the Worlds of Many-Worlds Quantum Theory and the 26 dimensions as the degrees of freedom of the Worlds of the Many-Worlds.

Ya that’s a tough one right? We somehow need to get this into a frame of reference for our collective peoples.  Is that even possible?  Do you even care?

Although we cannot really comprehend any of this, to illustrate something, I will start with a singularity.  In a black-hole there is postulated to be a singularity @ its center, of ultimate power. This is the power source behind the nearly immeasurable power of the black-hole.  The comparison I draw is this… although the singularity is immeasurable, and frankly my not even exist in our 3 dimensional space, it’s influence is massive to say the least.  From this indescribably small point the incomprehensible power of the black-hole is realized in the 3rd dimension.  Therefore, possibly this model represents the underlying power of influence other, sub-physical, dimensions have upon everything we experience in physical reality.  Would it be unreasonable to think that if were were to traverse a black-hole we would in fact be traversing all 26 dimensions?  Something we could not possibly survive based on the immense amount of energy required to bend space-time in that way?

So this begs the question, can we experience God?  Possibly we can only experience the influence of God, just as we (all lots of other stuff 🙂 ) experience the influence of a black-hole.  It is in fact an indirect experience relative to position… LOL I had to throw that in there 🙂

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